~ Etheric Weavers ~ Soul Thearpy Music
~ Sacred Geomancy ~ Solar Forms to wear ~ Maitreya Solar Cross ~ Head Pyramid
~ Planetary Solar Forms
~ Meditation Vajras ~ Healing Mat Systems ~ Meditation Pyramid Systems
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"It’s an absolutely amazing place, and the monastery is built there to amplify something that has been going on for so long. Imagine that on that land, for millions of years no one has touched that land, no one has lived there, hung out there. There was never a purpose to be there - no lakes, no animals running around, no streams - even Native American Indians didn’t hang out there, we find a lot of arrowheads down at the bottom, so they could find what they needed down at the bottom of the hill, and didn’t have to go up to the top." - Jesus the Christ
Contact: +44 1458 898223 in UK, or 1-877 444 7685 in USA. Please note all requests to visit must be made in advance.