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If you are familiar with the Soul Therapy Meditation & Blessing Prayers you will have meditated to the track called "A Soul I Walk on Earth" where you will hear about the groups of people who have incarnated to serve and help humanity in various ways. This group does not have any kind of outer structure, organization or membership. This is why Jesus in this prayer is invoking "the externalization of the inner existing of conditions within these groups" meaning that he is calling upon and helping awaken people - ultimately all of us - who have a soulful life purpose to further God's Plan.
As Jesus the Christ teaches us in the OM meditations and teachings, being a world server "is not what you think." - two examples he has specifically referred to are Wyatt Earp, who brought in the rule of law to America and Mark Twain, who touched and uplifted millions through his literary work.
Here are the different groups that Jesus is invoking in this song: