~ Etheric Weavers ~ Soul Thearpy Music
~ Sacred Geomancy ~ Solar Forms to wear ~ Maitreya Solar Cross ~ Head Pyramid
~ Planetary Solar Forms
~ Meditation Vajras ~ Healing Mat Systems ~ Meditation Pyramid Systems
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Deva Etheric Weaver Earrings help heal me
The Deva Etheric Weaver Earrings I bought at a healing expo last year has just become part of my life! I get compliments on them all the time! I like the fact that they weave on my ears automatically and help heal me just like my Etheric Weaver does when I use it! Sincerely grateful to wear something beautiful that is also blessed!
Iowa, USA
Clarity of Mind
I wear my Etheric Weaver Earrings every day because I notice such a difference in my clarity of mind when I occasionally forget to wear them. I like the fact that I am wearing two little healing tools on each side of my brain! thank you.
North Carolina, USA
Migraine Relief
Kathy experienced occasional migraines that were very debilitating decided to buy a set of blue Etheric Weaver Earrings to see if would help, due to the direct effect they have upon the head centers. Since purchasing the Earrings, and occasionally wearing them, she has not had another migraine.
London, England