~ Etheric Weavers ~ Soul Thearpy Music
~ Sacred Geomancy ~ Solar Forms to wear ~ Maitreya Solar Cross ~ Head Pyramid
~ Planetary Solar Forms
~ Meditation Vajras ~ Healing Mat Systems ~ Meditation Pyramid Systems
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The New Group of World Servers Trust was registered as a UK charity in 1998 with the mission statement to relieve poverty and sickness, and to advance education for the benefit of all beings.
Each time you buy one of the healing tools or make a donation, the money is prioritized toward helping the needy of Glastonbury UK and Kathmandu Nepal. As those needs are met we aim to support monasteries in Kathmandu and South India, and also the Shambhala Monastery in Lake County USA which is run by our parent non-profit organization the Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Sangha. Click here for the charity overview.
For those of us who feel a connection to the charity, its helpful to learn more about why Jesus the Christ named it the way he did.
Free lunches, coffee and snacks available each morning outside the centre on the high street
Free healhcare and Soul Therapy Meditation for the local Kathmandu community