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The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross is a physical expression of transformation that transmits the healing energy and blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ, the American born incarnation of Maitreya Buddha. The form is blessed with the Buddha Maitreya the Christ's blessings that awaken the sacred geomancy of the form. This 24K goldplated form has 2 Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Stars attached within the center of the form to further amplify the form and increase its resonance of blessings.
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The addition of Buddha Maitreya the Christ Shambhala Stars increases the radiatory quality of the Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross. Negative energies, energies that are not in harmony with the geometry of the form, are collected and pulled into the central vortex of the form. There, the energies are pulsed with the energies of Earth, minerals, plants, animals, moon, sun and the stars. Since the octahedron is the basic geometric pattern for all of these, it draws the energy into it and through the full resonant energetic field of Beauty and Harmony, anything that is missing is returned to balance. Negativity and darkness appear because of a lack of fullness, and just as fear or hate are healed with love, these energies originate out of a lack of love. The pulsing pattern of wholeness and beauty heal anything that is not whole, full, and complete in all worlds and all dimensions including the astral and mental planes. Th eBuddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross first transforms, then radiates the transformed energy back out.
Used for meditation, healing and often hung to bless and transform the energy of any space aligning to more harmony and right relationship in life. The Buddha Maitreya the Christ Solar Cross helps create a more sacred, monastic space allowing one the ability to meditate deeply, self-heal and align more to higher telepathy and the Monad, the Mind of God.
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