~ Etheric Weavers ~ Soul Thearpy Music
~ Sacred Geomancy ~ Solar Forms to wear ~ Maitreya Solar Cross ~ Head Pyramid
~ Planetary Solar Forms
~ Meditation Vajras ~ Healing Mat Systems ~ Meditation Pyramid Systems
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A one-day teaching with Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ, is called a "Dharshan", this means the day is not a workshop but a spiritual experience of witnessing and receiving blessings from a Holy Person - in this case, the Lord Himself, Jesus the Christ.
Available every 3 months either in-person or virtually. Next Dharshan is February 16th 2025
Jesus was born in 1951 in Oregon, USA. His brother, Rick Spencer, shares the time Tibetan Lamas came to their house in 1960 to take his brother, the living Buddha, Buddha Maitreya the Christ, back to Tibet to further His study and recapitulation process from previous incarnations.